World Plumbing Day
In celebration of World Plumbing Day, we want to highlight the important role that plumbing plays in modern society, particularly in schools and hospitals, in order to promote good public health and reduce the risk of infections.
This international day plays a vital role in promoting the link between good quality plumbing, health, environmental sustainability, and economic prosperity.
We understand the importance of safe plumbing and being aware of bacteria within places of work and sectors that welcome visitors, such as leisure and spa facilities or care homes that have permanent residents.
At Aircon Group, we strive to minimise the risk of bacteria travelling, spreading, and causing infection. By doing so, we test for Legionella quarterly or more frequently if required. A comprehensive review and site survey is carried out to identify systems comprising a reasonably foreseeable risk of Legionellosis.
It is then that we assess the risks and produce a scheme to minimise them by either carrying out maintenance, monitoring procedures, planning operations, or considering redesigns.
Below are some of the systems, listed by Health and Safety, which can sometimes present risks:
– Domestic hot and cold-water services
– Process systems including evaporative condensers
– Any water system which can create a spray of aerosol where the temperature is likely to exceed 200°C
To fully risk assess these systems, required work includes surveying the sites’ water systems, recording design details, monitoring temperatures and cleanliness levels, assessing operation criteria, creating an asset numbering system, and producing simple schematics of systems.
A risk assessment is also carried out to determine the likelihood of microbial growth in the water system, likelihood of exposure to contaminated aerosols, and likelihood of someone contracting disease.
Then, collaboratively, to complete the risk assessment site plans, we would require:
– Site plans
– Water system diagrams
– Historical records of disinfections, testing and inspections
– Training records of staff carrying out related works
– Lines of communication and allocated responsibilities
– Relevant maintenance contractor’s detail
– Operational and maintenance procedures of system work.
– Ensuring all areas are safe for access and inspections
Safe plumbing plays a vital role in preserving health and building sustainable disease-free futures for millions of people across the world.
For information on the services we offer and how they can benefit your business, give us a call on 01642 249026 (Northeast office) or 01709 367001 (Yorkshire office).