Earth Day

Earth Day

To celebrate Earth Day today, at Aircon Group we want to highlight how we and our suppliers are continually striving to make sustainable changes to the way operations run in order to invest in our planet and act on the climate change crisis.

We have the pleasure of working with many suppliers at Aircon Group. However, Mitsubishi has been working on and developing responsible operations recently, including reducing greenhouse gasses from product and business activities. 

The company is prioritizing effective energy use and has set a CO2 emissions reduction target. Mitsubishi has been focusing on the reduction of environmentally hazardous substances in materials.

That being said, in order to reduce their energy consumption, they are promoting the use of electric-powered and hybrid vehicles within their business. This is also something we at Aircon Group are looking to introduce in the future. 

Another regular supplier we use is Toshiba. In response to global warming and the consequences, they offer many solutions for the sustainable use of resources, this being a high priority for them.

The number of materials Toshiba uses is kept as low as possible; they ensure that these materials are recyclable, eco-friendly, and they too have banned certain chemical substances. 

If you have air conditioning units that are no longer in use, you can do your bit for the environment by decommissioning the system. This involves removing the gasses that could potentially leak into the atmosphere.

At Aircon Group we have a system in place to recycle old gas. On returning the gas to our supplier, some of the gas is recycled and can be put back into air conditioning systems but old gas is broken down and turned into substances that are then used in the chemical industry.

James Farrell, Design and Installation Contracts Manager, creates bespoke refrigeration systems for many different industries. Therefore, he has the knowledge that when working within the food industry it is imperative that refrigeration systems are designed to prolong the life of food, keep it as fresh as possible, and that we play a major role in reducing food waste. 

At Aircon Group we feel it is our responsibility to educate clients and do our utmost to protect the earth. If you have any concerns or questions about your air conditioning, heating or refrigeration systems that we can help with, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Call us on 01642 249026 (Northeast office) or 01709 367001 (Yorkshire office). 


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